VIRTINS Sound Card Oscilloscope is a powerful PC based virtual instrument software. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes in the market which search trigger event after data collection, it features a specially designed data acquisition approach which is able to monitor the input signal continuously without missing any trigger event before the frame of data is collected. As a result, VIRTINS Sound Card Oscilloscope boasts a very fast screen refresh rate (typically 50 frame per second) and thus a truly real time response. It supports sophisticated triggering method including pre-trigger and post-trigger which are generally missing from other sound card based instruments. VIRTINS Sound Card Oscilloscope, with all of the features of a modern digital storage oscilloscope, providing four types of views: (1) Real time waveform display of Channel A and Channel B. (2) Real time waveform display of Channel A + Channel B. (3) Real time waveform display of Channel A - Channel B. (4) Real time Lissajous Pattern display for Channel A and Channel B. Various digital filters are supported. It is a part of VIRTINS Multi-Instrument.